Whatever Happened to...The People Who Threw Golfballs into the Spirals at Giants Stadium (NOT MetLife Arena)
Sept 2021
The People Who Threw Golfballs into the Spirals at Giants Stadium (NOT MetLife Arena) is not one of my accidental band names of fictional bands I was a member of in college. No, they were a disparate group of dedicated New York Jets and Giants fans during the late 90s and early 2000s who would gather at the spirals outside the concourse, mostly to smoke cigarettes, but soon also to continue the tradition of bouncing golfballs down to the bottom and back up to the other side. Eventually, people started throwing coins, trying to get it into the 2 sq ft grated metal sewer drain. Once the bills started getting thrown down, people would slowly start walking down toward the bottom and if the perceived value was big enough, someone would eventually jump over to try to cash in. Then the beer and cigarettes would come pouring down, cascading over the poor sap who was naive enough to jump over to try to harvest the cash before getting escorted out of the stadium. To my early adult eyes, the cost never seemed to make up for the reward. Beer was expensive.